Pernah kah anda mengalami seperti ini ??
pas lagi nginstall driver canon, tiba-tiba muncul pesan error...waduh mana lagi butuh cepat nih..apa maksudnya yaa...?/!!
processing cannot be continued beause the print spooler service has been stopped.
astaga gimana nih..gue coba-coba browsing buat cari solusi, browsing
kesana browsing kemari, heheheee akhirnya ketemu juga..nih dia buntut
masalah nya :
ternyata eh ternyata regtistrasi print spooler nya nggak bekerja..waduh lagi males kali yaa..
ok sob langsung aja ikuti langkah demi langkah nya :
1. klik Start -> Run, ketik services.msc -> enter
2. scroll ke bawah cari print spooler.
3. kalo dah ketemu, double klik print spooler.
4. di bagian startup type pilih automatic lalu ok
5. klik tombol start.
coba sekarang anda install driver nya lagi,...dan akhirnya selamat dahh...
In this manner my pal Wesley Virgin's tale begins with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.
ReplyDeleteYou see, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he discovered hidden, "mind control" secrets that the CIA and others used to get anything they want.
THESE are the EXACT same methods tons of famous people (notably those who "come out of nowhere") and elite business people used to become wealthy and successful.
You probably know how you use only 10% of your brain.
Really, that's because the majority of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps this expression has even occurred INSIDE OF YOUR own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain 7 years back, while driving a non-registered, beat-up trash bucket of a vehicle without a license and with $3.20 in his bank account.
"I'm so fed up with living paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally make it?"
You took part in those types of conversations, isn't it right?
Your own success story is going to start. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.